

Kind and Type

Path Kind Type layouts/ layouts/_default/
. home page index.html list.html
blog section blog blog/list.html list.html
blog/ page blog blog/single.html single.html
tags taxonomy tags tags/terms.html list.html
tags/term term tags tags/term.html list.html

Kind: home, section, page, taxonomy, term. Check with .IsHome, .isSection, .IsPage in a layout file.

Type: The value of type in the front matter, else the name of the root section (The first directory in the file path), else page. Subsections like blog/topic have the same type as the root section.


The default is /:section/:slug and it is available as .Permalink in layouts.

  • For taxonomies or a term, :section is the taxonomy name.

  • The value of :slug is set from slug in the front matter, else from title.

    Tip: Before modifying the title of an existing page, set slug in the front matter to the current value. Then modify the title, and the permanent link will not change.

Use [permalinks] in config.toml to customize the path for pages in a section. For example, a date-based folder hierarchy for the blog section:

  blog = "/:section/:year/:month/:title/"

:year and :month are taken from the value of date in front matter. :slugorfilename gets the value of slug, else from filename.

Can override with slug or url in the front matter. url can override the section in the destination and takes precedence.