
All the files for a website are organized in folders within a project folder. [1]

The target web site is created in the public folder. The templates are in the layouts folder.

The source text is in the content folder and its subfolders, in .md, .json or .html files. The .md files have a block with metadata in their first lines, in YAML, TOML or JSON format. This block provides variables that can be used in the templates and in hugo it is called front matter.

The images, audios, videos, JavaScript and CSS are usually stored in the static folder. These files and folders are copied without the static prefix into public.

The required config.toml file configures variables or overrides default values of the website.


Hugo explores the hierarchy inside the content folder. It selects a template for each content file found and generates the corresponding folders and .html files in public.

Leaf nodes

If a folder contains an file, the single.html template is selected to generate the index.html file for that folder in the destination. If there is an index.html file it is only copied. If there are other .md files in that folder, the single.html template is also used to generate the .html file that corresponds to each .md.

Branch nodes

If there is a file in a folder, the list.html template is selected to generate the index.html for that folder in the destination. [2] If there are other .md files in that folder, the single.html template is selected to generate an .html file based on each .md file.

A list.html template usually lists and links to the pages that correspond to the other .md files in that folder. list.html may use variables from the metadata block of each listed page.


The default templates are in the layouts/_default/ folder. They may be overriden by a template with identical name in the layouts/<section> folder, where section is the name of the first-level folder where the .md file is.

If a theme is used, its templates are inside the themes/name/layouts folder. The theme templates can be overriden by a template with identical name and path under the layouts folder.


  1. Directory structure
  2. Page bundles